Lancaster & Morecambe College, core partners from the European Erasmus+ funded HelpCare project attended a special event designed to engage practitioners and members of the general public in the North West. The full day event was held at Lancaster Town Hall and attended by over 150 delegates from the sector.
This event aimed to showcase some of the newest and most innovative research around Dementia and Health and Social Care currently being undertaken in the UK by universities, private and third sector organisations and projects.
Lancaster & Morecambe College set up an information stand to share the Helpcare project information and many delegates showed an interest in this and other projects in the field.
This informative and interactive event was an ideal platform to communicate our project outputs to a relevant audience and gave us the opportunity to exchange information and knowledge.
Keynote speakers from around the UK included Dr Penny Foulds from Defying Dementia, Dr Susan Davidson from Age UK and Dr Hazel Morbey & Dr Yingying Wang with a presentation on ‘Evaluating dementia training for NHS staff in acute NHS hospitals’.