The launch of the Helpcare Training and Professionalization of Care Workers across Europe event within the Health +Care conference and exhibition was a tremendous experience for the project team. We directly engaged with over 200 delegates and were able to disseminate our findings, share knowledge and learn from each other.
More information can be found in our July 2017 newsletter.
Carolyn Downs discusses the latest recommendations from the HelpCare project which call for better formal education and training in the care sector, to create a career path for carers.
Click the link for the latest issue of Tomorrow’s care magazine and see page 32 under the recruitment section.
Carolyn Downs writes for the Guardian:
The majority of homecare workers are immigrants who do a great job, but care work needs to be a more attractive and credible career option.
Helpcare recommendations: Better formal education and training is needed to tackle the care crisis and create a career path for carers.